Tweak Your Aspire – Show your blog’s Description

This blog post is inspired by a problem faced by one of my reader. He has a blog about Philately and has text scrolling at the end of the page. What he wanted to do is to have that text scrolling at the top. The shortest and easiest possible answer to his problem was to have his message as blog’s description. But somehow Aspire does not show Description.

Yipeeeee, another addition to my (gradually) increasing number of posts.

Before doing anything with your template Please Backup Your Template.

As I have already told you… Aspire does not show your post’s Description. So first we will tackle this problem.

First search for

<h1><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><data:title/></a></h1>

Just below it add


So the final code should look something like

<b:includable id='main'>
<h1><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><data:title/></a></h1>

Just one more tweak and you will see the description of your blog.

Find the code

#head {position:relative; width:990px; height:250px;


.header {width:627px; height:250px; background: url( no-repeat;}

and replace height:250px to height:265px.

That’s it… Job done. Save your template and See the description of your blog.

Now Something specifically for Mr. Prashant Pandya.

To add scrolling text, in this case Description of your blog, just change the code from




Save the template and see your message or blog’s description scroll.


  1. Dear Mr. Walia,

    Wonderful solution. I have made changes as per your instructions and its working fine. Thanks a lot.



  2. @ Prashant
    It feels good that you liked my solution.

  3. Thanks. I have sent you one mail for further help. Kindly respond.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you Jaideep. I'm working my way down the line of your tips. They are making my blog very nice and pleasurable.

  6. thank you for the information....
    I've just fixed my blog description and it works on my blog.....


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